Resources for Services - Stamp of Approval award

Jane Howe (Portage Supervisor, East Riding)

20 mins, 39 secs

The East Riding of Yorkshire Service is supporting a number of settings, including Children’s Centres, to achieve the Stamp of Approval.

The Portage Team have developed a checklist (that compliments the Stamp of Approval Guidance Notes) to help Portage Representatives and practitioners provide evidence that demonstrates a setting can fulfil all required criteria.

There is a particular emphasis on how Portage Principles are incorporated into practice.

During the Seminar, Jane talks about challenges considered by their service in supporting settings to attain the Stamp of Approval but also the benefit they have seen for children, parents, practitioners and Portage Workers.

Interviews with Practitioners from Settings, East Riding of Yorkshire

We interviewed practitioners from settings in East Yorkshire who talked about attending Portage Training and how their setting worked towards the NPA Stamp of Approval award.

Thanks to Victoria and Alison from Kiddycare Day Nursery, Hull, Nicola from Withernsea Day Nursery and Karen from Rainbow Preschool, Goole. All settings are in the East Riding of Yorkshire.