All Trustee roles are undertaken on a voluntary basis, with expenses paid where appropriate.
The NPA Board has recently had an extensive restructure and roles and the new structure is as follows:-
- Chairperson
- Vice Chair (& Company Secretary)
- Treasurer
- Quality Assurance & Development Trustee
- Chair of Training
- Vice Chair of Training (VACANT)
- Members Trustee
- Services Trustee
- Digital Communication & Media Trustee (VACANT)
- Parent Representative (VACANT)
All Trustees are expected to:-
- Co-operate with NPA policies and guidelines.
- Work within the principles and practice of equality of opportunity as identified in the NPA Equal Opportunities Policy.
- To attend all Board meetings (these may be face to face – usually in Birmingham, or held virtually via MS Teams)
- To complete assigned actions from Board meetings in a timely way.
We are always interested to hear from anyone who would like to be involved with the NPA Board and there are often opportunities to join us as a 'Board Associate' . Please contact the NPA office in the first instance if you would like to find out more.