Portage Home Visitors (PHVs) work within a Portage Service - often managed by the Local Authority.
Services vary in size and there are a range of delivery models, but all services work to a professional NPA Code of Practice.
To Become a Portage Home Visitor
you may be required to have experience of working in early years and with children with SEND
you will have completed an NPA approved Portage Workshop delivered by NPA Accredited Trainers (add links to courses)
you will need to work under supervision for 6 months in a Registered Portage Service, following completion of a Portage Workshop
you will complete the Portage Home Visitor Induction materials whilst working in a Portage Registered service
you can join some services as a Volunteer Portage Home Visitor
Portage Workshops are available to anyone interested in Portage. Courses are open to early years practitioners, professionals and parents.