Partnership with Parents & Carers

Partnership working is central to the Portage approach and one of the key Portage Principles. Partnership with parents is the keystone of the Portage Model and underpins all Portage practice.

The high value placed on partnership with parents is reflected in the NPA logo which incorporates the phrase ‘Partners with Parents and Children’.

Partnership is Key

Partnership with parents is not a new idea, especially in the Early Years, where valuing the knowledge and expertise of parents has long been a key theme.

It is now regarded as a key element of high quality services and is a key priority of the 2014 SEND reforms, placing children and families at the centre.

‘An effective relationship requires the active involvement of parents and practitioners, working together.

This is particularly important when they are in contact with many different services.

This element of partnership is at the heart of the work that lead professionals and key workers undertake with families and Portage Workers often take that key role’.

Early Support: DFE 2011



Portage partnership also extends to multi-agency working with all involved with the child and family.

Portage workers often act as key workers or lead professional, supporting the family to coordinate advice from other agencies and ensuring that planning and decision-making is always centred on the needs of the child and the family.

Within each Portage team, partnership also extends to supporting each other through regular supervision meetings with line managers and ongoing peer support.