Portage news


At Family Fund we help families. Last year, we provided 88,407 grants and services to families raising disabled or seriously ill children and young people in the UK, worth over £33 million.

Our Annual Review 17/18, highlights the continued support we have provided families in the past year, and the impact that our grants and services have had on families across the UK.

Well done Jamie!

Janice McKinley Portage Coordinator and Accredited Trainer is retiring after 11 years with the Bradford Portage Service.

Janice has been a credit to Bradford and the NPA. She has built a 5 star service, delivering Portage to over 130 children in the authority. She has worked tirelessly, raising awareness of Portage and describes her heart as Portage shaped!

She has grown a team of very skilled and dedicated Portage Home Visitors who will truly miss her dedication, enthusiasm and positivity.

We wish Janice a very happy retirement.

The Bradford Portage Team xx
