All hub content tagged as - Top Tips

Top Tips: Supporting Your Child to Develop Early Reading Skills

Type of content: Resource

Communication and Language Skills: Supporting Your Child to Develop Early Reading Skills - activities to support the development of skills needed for literacy and early reading.

Top Tips: Supporting Your Child to Develop Joint/Shared Attention

Type of content: Resource

Communication and Language Skills: Supporting Your Child to Develop a Joint or Shared Attention - activities and strategies to help develop communication skills and important social skills; supporting your child’s interest in objects, the environment and people around them.

Top Tips: Supporting Your Child to Focus on and Track Objects

Type of content: Resource

Cognitive Development: Supporting Your Child to Focus on and Track Objects – activities to support the development of visual tracking skills, needed for most daily activities, coordination and physical control.

Portage Top Tips to Support Your Child’s Development

Type of content: Resource

Portage Top Tips: Teaching Your Child Using the Portage ‘Small Steps’ Approach – general tips and introduction to the Portage ‘Small Steps’ approach. This guide will support you to use all NPA ‘Top Tips’ documents and understand how the breaking down of activities and using the Portage model can support your child to develop new skills.   

Top Tips: Teaching Your Child to Use a Spoon

Type of content: Resource

Physical Development and Self Care Skills: Teaching Your Child to Use a Spoon – activities to support your child to develop the fine motor skills needed to begin using a spoon.

Top Tips: Teaching Your Child to Drink from an Open Cup

Type of content: Resource

Physical Development and Self Care Skills: Teaching Your Child to Drink from an Open Cup – activities to support your child to develop the oral skills needed for drinking / feeding.

Top Tips: Teaching Your Child to Crawl

Type of content: Resource

Physical Development, Moving and Handling: Teaching Your Child to Crawl – activities to support your child to develop the strength and skills needed for crawling.

Top Tips: Teaching Your Child to Sit

Type of content: Resource

Physical Development, Moving and Handling: Teaching Your Child to Sit – activities to support your child to develop the strength and skills needed for sitting.

Top Tips: Teaching Your Child to Post/Release Objects

Type of content: Resource

Fine Motor Skills: Teaching Your Child to Post/Release Objects - an important skill to learn before tackling more complex fine motor skills such as puzzles, shape sorters, threading, etc.

Top Tips: Teaching Your Child to Develop a ‘Pincer Grasp’

Type of content: Resource

Fine Motor Skills: Teaching Your Child to Develop a ‘Pincer Grasp’ - activities to support the development of fine hand skills which require a pincer grasp.
