I would like to know at what age Portage services start to work with babies with Down syndrome and their families. I am updating evidence based guidance on early intervention for publication. I am also contributing to the guidance to civil servants presparing the guidance under the Down syndrome Act. I note in the NPA response to the SEND review you highlight the need to support babies and families from birth - pleased to see this. The developmental evidence certainly supports that for the benefit of the baby's development and for family well-being. Brain development is rapid in the first months and foundations are being developed for speech, language, movement, social development, emotion regulation in the first weeks of life. We know what the evidence says we should be offering but who can deliver within 3 weeks of diagnosis, at home - as is the standard for deaf babies.... ? Portage trained interventionists seem ideal but what are the work force and training implications? does anyone work in area with a care pathways for children with Down syndrome and, if so, how early are you involved?
All information and views welcome, Sue