All Managers of NPA Registered Portage Services are invited to attend bi-annual Managers Meetings.
Meetings are be held virtually on Microsoft Teams.
The next NPA Managers meeting which will be held on Microsoft Teams on 19th February 2025 at 2pm. Invitations will be sent closer to the time.
If you haven't received an emailed invitation to the meeting directly and believe you should have done (ie: you are a Service Manager from an NPA Registered Service) please email sends e-mail) and we will look into it for you.
The latest NPA Managers meeting was held on 17th October 2025 at 2pm, on MS teams; thank you to all who attended and contributed.
The recording of this meeting is now available and has been sent by email to all those on our current mailing list; as these meetings are restricted to Managers of NPA Registered Services, the links are not shared on the forum.
If you haven't received the email and believe you should have done (ie: you are a Service Manager from an NPA Registered Service) please email and we will look into it for you.